Make your Christmas special with Fashom

on December 20, 2017

It’s Christmas time and the time of the year where you find celebrations all around you. Kids running in the streets enjoying the snow and singing in joy, families in their houses gathering around the Christmas tree, decorating it and enjoying their time. And the sound of Christmas carols everywhere filling the air with joy and happiness.

xmas creative

We want to celebrate and share this cheerfulness with you. As a special offer to our lovely users, we are giving our E-gift cards at a 50% discount for your women friends and family. What’s in it?

  • You pay 50% of the value, ie, you pay $5 for your $10 gift card.
  • Your friend/family gets professionally styled clothes worth your e-gift card amount. Shipping and return are on us.[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Gift Card Value” type=”select” options=”$25,$50,$100,$150,$200,$250,$300″ required=”1″ /][contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” /][contact-field label=”Fashom Username” type=”text” /][/contact-form]

For additional questions send us an email to

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from all us here at Fashom.

fashomadminMake your Christmas special with Fashom

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